Value structure


One approach

In many places yoga is equated with gymnastics, which it has not been. People do far too much of what they consider healthy, although the body is sensitive and a person is imbued with a psychophysical balance that has always conditioned his existence. 


The true and its value

Starting from the correct assumption that for every thing there is an actual state, which has been determined by the property of it, we can recognize and assign the given. We will be aware of this as soon as we have directed our focus on what is insightful for us. 

In the usually occurring state of consciousness as a human being, the blurriness mostly prevails over the clarity and makes the given disappear before our eyes, because something has appeared blurred before us. There everything seems as if it would not be there. Then it needs some knowledge of the matter and its states to reflect. We would like to acquire them. Only after that we started to search for the objects which have relevance for the given moment. Then we have activated ourselves to the extent that we have considered it possible that there is something that is present. But still we did not necessarily see it or perceive it. 

Visually, such an object appears in front of us at any time in the visible area, provided that it has appeared to us in the right light, which has made things accessible to us. But still a blurring of our perception is present and prevents a comprehension of the actually already perceived.

Without putting our own focus on it, we will hardly succeed in anything in a good way. But such a focus can be tiring. What has given us the desired view of an object, moreover, corresponds with the peculiarities of our being. There we have needed a certain access to cognition. What we consider to be excluded escapes us completely. That is why we also need a spiritual orientation of ourselves. Moreover, for the visual vision of the given, it will be necessary to have an idea that something appears in the non-visible realm, which will be true.

So now we know what an alignment of the focus of us does. We try to set it up by recognizing how it has just been and leaving it in such a state. In doing so, we realize that something has already affected us. Our senses are affected with some impairments. Such manifestations may be temporary or of a permanent nature. 

The question of how we have given ourselves should determine what is possible for us. From the behavior of a man some things go out, which condition the circumstances of his life. But there would be nothing else to say about this than that word that everyone must know of his own accord what he has done. 

Our view of the given lets some veils fall over what we perceive. We like to tell our fellow human beings something about how we see things. Something imponderable, however, ensures that much often remains in the dark with us. Knowing that each person approaches things in his or her own way, we ourselves have become witnesses to an event as it takes place. 

Meanwhile, it is enough for us to be sighted. There, we would like to willingly concede the same to other people and be satisfied.


A cosmos in the whole

Who, like I do, follows an unabridged way, will experience many different things. Their sum shall be of a finite kind. It will grow steadily and nevertheless remain that what it has been. There it keeps this peculiarity and still remains finite. 

The path without shortening provides many a good moment for us, enriching us with an experience. It has been significant because, thanks to it, more of the whole can be found and perceived than it will be otherwise. This equips the human being. Many a ray of hope will succeed to him in this way. Thereby much appears and everything also experiences its weight. By it we measure something given to us. There it receives its true meaning for us what we have recognized from it.

How much easier it is for man to live if he has recognized the conditions of his existence. With it he is well. All perceptions of the given have been also in such a way, as it has fitted to us. Therefore, everything appears in a true way. It is supposed to be a happy circumstance that we have considered something sufficiently. There we carry out the work in thoughts and give it its first form. An estimation of the value of things, which are our own, succeeds well in such a realm. Only a few things have to be considered by us. There we have thought about what has come before us. It has been close to us. 

Now, in order to initiate an evaluation of such ideas which we have made true by ourselves, I would like to be allowed to point out that the picture of a world from the human point of view becomes gradually more complete by itself, if one has left it in its natural state. Who has not withdrawn from the own experiences, also makes some again. Sometimes these will be again the same experiences. That is why he can understand something of it, which has also conditioned him so far. He simply keeps it. It can be assigned by him to something known. Sometime he has then recognized what such a thing is with him.



A completeness of the given

We are chosen. It is untrue that we can choose what we want. 

Everything that we know, we always trace back to its true reason. We establish such a reason as experience and think that we understand something about this thing. Thus, structurally distinctive clusters of perception arise in us in the context of a thinking. We would like to get a picture of this. 

Such images can receive all kinds of a shaping. Sometimes they have a monolithic size. Sometimes they are independent of everything else. Then they appear standing for themselves.

The cloud of consciousness contains some such 'chunks'. We recognize at them the expressions of our experience, because their substance represents a unity caused by the actual concern of us. But an order, which is the basis of this thing, will be completely integrated only then, when it no longer behaves isolated from the surrounding area. Then, beside the structure of a substance, also some other formation will be recognizable, which has had the same effect and therefore must also be of importance for us. There everything appears for itself and has an order of magnitude to own. We must recognize them. 

A completeness of the given confirms the human being. There he would like to understand what he finds. Everything we have found has something significant about it and is permeated by an order.



The void as a basic quantity

Starting from a world of phenomena, man should find himself with it and see the essence of it. There he can recognize something of it what constitutes it. There everything and nothing shall be something which is to be utilized by him. He soon recognizes that. From this he makes his life task that he would like to grasp the whole completely and reproduce what conditions him. For this we write down our things. Then it has received its finite shaping by us. We have corresponded to it with our words. 

Let's take a look at the pot from which we have drawn our own good. There should be a certain emptiness, within which everything was in balance.