

Be on the lookout

There is no reasonable alternative to the health of a human being. Man wants to be compatible.

A mechanic, as I am one from the ground up, knows something about the nature of a force. Such a force has always appeared oriented. There it knows its way from itself. There we would not need to show it how something goes or to ask it whether it has desire to have an effect. Always forces have been present, always things have turned with us. 

There it has been necessary to bring something of rest into the system of such emanations. For this we recognize them and leave everything as it has been by itself. Thereupon something can swing in. We have already understood that everything has to own an energetic level on the basis of which the bodies can come into movement. There we have searched for a balance of what has made us.

In such a burdened system, as it is manifested by the dynamics in the world, an impressive amount of attention is paid by people to a constellation of the given. People talk about wind and weather, but they feel comfortable only in beautiful sunshine. Thereby they have neglected some things, which nevertheless have been good for something. However, every single one of us has been in search of preserving our own stability. People have always made such a thing true as soon as it has been possible for them. I simply assumed from this during my considerations about the nature of a human being.

In psychological aspect a stability of man has been necessary. It has been on a par with a promotability and a strength of man in rank with us. 

We have also searched for an inner stability of ourselves and attached it to our words. Our emotions have sometimes been like the crests of a sea in a storm. Our own mind has meant something to us. It characterizes our being. 

What we have said we will do, we will keep. These are not promises, what has gone out from us. We have been guided by a truth that we have recognized on our own. We have accepted its value. Thus, we have not entered into any obligation to third parties. Thus, our problems with life have been of a simple nature. Their structure we have maintained and thus understood something of it, which has a certain meaning for us to own. 



As long as you have lived, there has also been a residue of unanswered questions.  

It is a matter of humanity that one behaves like a human being. For this, there are role models who have shown what being a human being has already meant. There everyone has recognized his own way for how he would like to be, and found something in the process, which he has to realize.

We have often not been in a good position in our existence. However, we have recognized what has meant something to us. Stones have fallen on us. A sword of Damocles has hung over us by a thread. Some people use their tactics against us. This has not improved our sense of life. As a result, we have not lived up to our role, but we have also achieved little good for ourselves on our own. 

But what position in life have we been seeking in truth? Oh, which people are needed by society and which are encouraged by it?



Simplicity of people

Every circumstance has a true meaning of its own, which has also made a difference to us. All of them knew life better than we did.

It should be a skill to eliminate from the multitude of ways that have occurred any that have not meant anything good for us. There is no certainty of success yet. That's why we have considered the feasible ways in our surroundings. We have not chosen anything from what has been there, but we have chosen something from it for us. 

Then we entered dangerous areas, which were not to be mastered without difficulties. 

Every person is exposed to many uncertain moments in his life, which have also affected his fairway. There, our fairway has laid layers upon layers of it and sometimes drifted us away. The underground currents have been difficult for us to control. The ship has not always prevailed against them. 

At some point we realized that our compatibility with other people also meant that we were healthy. That was the first condition that we recognized. It is conditional. None of it has existed with certainty. We have all had to do something to get to where we are now. But we did not stop there. 

We have held fast to the living and renounced the excessive enjoyment of our lives. We have discarded all permissiveness of what made us. 

A residue of dependencies remains with us. We have to recognize this fact. Not everything has been only beautiful for us. 


Inner chains

The relationships between people are like snowflakes so precious and unique. 

Those facts, which we heard, appeared to us and were certainly true. So we focused on them and checked what they told us about us. What we experienced meant something to us. 

The more clearly we have heard the movements of us, the better we have also opened them for us. There we would like to maintain a confidence in us or let arise again with us. This behavior should strengthen us. It should be true that we have stood by ourselves. We make this true. We let those good things count, which have made us.

That's when our own ways came before our eyes. We have kept them. The same things have always happened to us. We have also walked the same paths again and again and have kept the same sequences of steps. In this way, we have always looked at places from the same perspective. We have bundled our forces with it. We have kept a variety because it has become aware to us thereby. 

What we have seen of the world has seemed unique to us. From our vantage point we looked at our surroundings. We noticed changes in it. The conditions of it became clear to us.

Something has also happened to us. However, we have not been like the world because we have not made anything of it. We have rather paid attention to our own good than we have gained something from it. 

People are there for people. A uniformity of these has not yet existed. Even if the people all strive for one thing, it has been variable what has come into their mind. 

We have not yet perceived a central orientation of what there has been. Then we have recognized something good at the holding together of the human being. Its coherence power we have heard. It has conditioned us. What has occurred with us has also triggered something in us. A resistance against things slipping away from us has been largely realized by us. 


As long as I live, I want to be able to eat bread and drink water. I want to stand on my ways. I want my word to be heard by someone wise.



A person's decisions show which path he has taken in life. He wants to have something of what he has achieved. Life is to be lived as a whole. That is how it is understood by us, that is how it is interpreted by us.



True to the principle of a permanent downhill slide of all appearances of the world, man arranges himself to the given and finds thereby an applicable scheme for his acting. With it he can exist, even if such a thing must seem unfamiliar and unbelievable to him for the first. 


An idealizing style of writing

A man without ideals has not been a realist. What he referred to remains unknown.

True to the procedure for creating the 'thought protocols', I have generated my texts and am now processing them retrospectively. To do this, I look at an existing text as a default and examine it to see what it has conveyed to me. Is it, as it is, suitable for me to read? - That is what I ask myself. I consider what I think about it and examine whether the text has conveyed something correct. 

There the texts represent something which contains everything and nothing. Also the value of what I have written appears sometimes as a part of my writings. It can be interpreted and thus something can be made true with it. 

So I get a picture true to my ideas of it. It should be possible to verify them. For this I must check whether I have agreed with my statements. In the aftermath of this verification something happened with me. I have considered the given in detail. 

Only something absolute has relevance before our eyes. The intentional action suppresses a confusion with us, which would not need to be praised. 



Passivity and alignment of the person

It has always been denied to man to do anything true to his own will. This has made the order imponderable for us, that we have broken out of those circles determining over us. Only the congruence of our actions to our environment has preserved our harmony with it. 


A basis

How many sounds does a harmony have?

We assign the given to a scheme. In the process we have found one. A retransmission of what a scheme means has moved things with us. 

Everything has a meaning of its own, which has become true. If one takes away the appearance of the things, then they are changed. Nothing good would be gained by having imposed something imponderable. 


Haptics and Optics

What we have brought under a hat, for that has also existed a unit. 

True to a nature of man, life brings its peculiarities for us. We are familiar with it. We recognize that we have to master the real everyday phenomena. One of them should be the ignorance of what has been going on in other people.

Whenever man is confronted with a problem that cannot be solved, he tries to cope with what motives have entered his mind because of it. With us a pattern recognition takes place. In addition we have an associating intelligence to own. Thanks to this, things get a recognition value with us. Such a value assigns itself to the perceived.

A beautiful thing it is for us because it gives us space to take care of ourselves. At best, we have done that when we have been alone. A language of man brings something for it. We listen to it and thanks to it we have given something back from us. With its help we have organized ourselves, moreover, with a concern of the events of our existence. But also those optical and haptic external stimuli, which we have interconnected, have offered us an orientation for the life.

There we perceive something. We bring what we have experienced into harmony with us at its interface. For this we have accepted the things. We prepare them for us. We can say that we transfer what we perceive in order to make it fair for us. In such a transformation, the perceptions receive additions of complementary features. We valorize the perceived. These are now to be those facts which have enabled us in a special way. 

Thereby everything has followed a universal scheme, which will have to be shown. 

[input value] = [assumption value; addition a; addition b; addition c; ...] 

The mere assumption value has not carried any evaluable pattern in itself. Only the supplements added by us have made sure that a certain handling of what we have perceived is possible for us. We have assigned them to the object 'assumption value'. 


Factors of a fulfilled life

Those who were not worthy of other people were unsuitable. 

Life as a human being has brought with it a lot for us to deal with. At best, it has been easy. Then something comes easily to us. 

The factors that now follow have lifted us out of the morass of conceit and harping about the course of our lives.

Employment (wage, bread, work)

Social contacts (friends and family)

Health (vitality and strength of a person, also his resistance and ability to resist). 

Economic efficiency (utility and harmfulness of the conditions)

Self-interest (enjoyment of life, the skill to focus on one thing).

At the same time, all of it has been to be understood as a dependent variable. Without finding favorable conditions for themselves, none of it has succeeded. 


One thing and its value

Those who were not worthy of other people were unsuitable. 

A complete examination of a fact results in two parts, which are to be perceived by us separately. With it the analysis of what is given opens up to us. That should be the thing per se and a valence assigned to it, what everything has meant. We have measured it. Thereby it will be variable in a certain way. 

Every human being is entitled to judge the value of the given. With it one has changed nothing at the thing, but one has determined its value. For this one has determined it. Certain difficulties have arisen as soon as people have compared their ideas of values. They did not always agree with each other. Some people have insisted on their prerogative and, according to their power of judgment, have made things work for others. 

As soon as this created disadvantages for people, they complained. Many a dispute has arisen in this way. It was normal for people to have different perceptions of things.


A concatenation

Without effort, a mistake happens. Everything bad has therefore come true just like that. Meanwhile, people have desisted from the good. 

One thing of great value to me has been the following scheme. It leads to a building up of the forces with us. Whenever the primary circumstance has not been fulfilled, the chain branches out in this scheme and the directly following criterion is added to the examination or is in the foreground of the same. 

In this scheme, we should exclude the condemnation of people. It results from a failure. 


About the quality of my work show

I like to use such tools, which made my life a little easier. 

For more than 15 years now, I have linguistically processed the events of my existence and have found my own way of language design. Many times I have represented in retrospect the given, what has been worked out in conversations with friends together or also by me. There I received the results of it. Subsequently, I have revised and adjusted them again. Sometimes I have also added something to it, if that has been suitable. That's how my text works came into being almost by themselves. My work on it has been accompanying.

Of course, I have given preference to certain topics in the respective wikis of my 'construction kit'. Also I have paid attention to the quality of the contributions. In the meantime, I have felt as if I am reflecting something about my existence in situ during a trip across the country. Everything about it has been of finite nature and yet it has its validity for me. Those realms where I am at home are passable. What people do with my proclamations has moved something with me. 

By its very nature, I don't care what others think of my being a card index writer. The whole has its value not without reason to own. The attention I have already received has made me think over time. Meanwhile I believed in the power of emptiness. If a vacuum becomes stronger, the energetic potential of it also increases. Then something has grown with us and has been able to increase. 

An effect of what I have already created, I generally assume for my cause. I assume that the work of a person must be of such a nature that it means something for mankind. 

In my opinion, I am doing the work creation for a reason. I want to create a good position for myself in this world. In doing so, I have done nothing other than what I have been responsible for.

True to the scheme of a weaver, I worked on the card index and used it like a weaving frame. There I have joined my texts into strands and thus obtained a woven cloth of words.



Next time you want to set rules for me, please let me know beforehand. 


Evaluate and reflect

Everything happens and is true. There should be normal what has occurred. That is sufficiently given. Such a thing is given to us, therefore we align ourselves with it. The way things have happened, they have happened. 

Anyone who has not been satisfied with this should do some soul-searching. If he has found his own thoughts during the exam, he can write them down. He can evaluate the word he has found according to how it is written on the sheet. Thus he has represented his things as he has written them down. 

Every single one of us has made something happen. In the process, many an idea has come to us. Some impulse has come to us. One effect of it is given. 

That's when we think and realize what of it is interrelated. In the end, something should be designed by us in a coherent way, which does justice to the nature of this thing.


A psychological constellation

Truth has not been something present. If it were present, it would not persist. 

No one has been able to do anything for the being of another person. What one has experienced, he has also suffered. That is the case for all of us. But it has not been one alone who is responsible for everything. Moreover, things happen by nature and have not been in harmony with each other. What has appeared has also been true. There all variants of it have been natural. Something endangers us in a certain way. 

Let everyone weave his own cloth and let go of an idle attitude in life.... 


The mind as a club

I wouldn't have to understand you either. (approximate quote)

The mind of a person is configured by him by his own power. There it represents a construct inside of us and is able to develop our ideas of the given. 


Clarity and softening

People are made docile by means of a structure. 

Nowadays, no one is put up against the wall. It is enough for society to banish the disagreeable comrades to a void.

With these words I once explained to a kind fellow the peace of the present time. It has been alone only an apparent peace, an absence of the obvious state of war. What his reaction to my words has pointed out to me has been his cringing. I have not been sure whether he has proved me right. But he has felt the accuracy of the core statement of my words nevertheless in himself.  

All of us humans are brought up to appear and be well-behaved. The inner bondage, that trigger of the psyche, has chained us and made us weak. At least, that's how life makes us appear. That is why it has been no wonder what has been done to us. 

Meanwhile, in this rich country of Germany, no one has suffered from hunger. There has always been enough for everyone. In this context, one should also keep the following statement in mind. It makes a chatter not full, that creates no food here.' (approximate quote from a song)

What I also consider correct is the supplementary statement that no human being has ever eaten anything illegally. (modified quote)


Moderation and rules

He who has not been good for us and has not known anything that has meant something to us also represents something like that for us. There we have completely rightly distanced ourselves from him. 

A friendship where one has not given the other the time of day does not thrive at all. Anyone who calls more than twice a week has a problem. He who has not left it to us to get back to us has been badgering us. That's where things go bad. This has not happened without reason.

Friendships are characterized by mutual consideration and understanding for each other. In doing so, they have always navigated in solid waters. 

Among friends, moreover, there is no need for big words. 


Love relationships tire faster than anything else. What is not made for each other has not been a good match.


A phenomenal order

For the nature of a man it should be given that it has realized a unity with him by its appearance. There man keeps his nature. Certain things are inscribed in him. The one ponderable element of it needs a place to be attached and it therefore prevents the emergence of bad attributes, which otherwise would not leave man in peace. 


Free as a wild horse 

Landscapes and animals, people and their knitting

everything has something of its own. 

That's where a valence is supposed to show itself to us.

Some have found that he is free to do anything.

Then he mocked us.

Such an existence is very dreary. 

The paths in the mountains are difficult to walk on, 

hard to pass like that.

That's where we left it. 

Let him think that way. 

We will let him. 

We have nothing to give away. 


Those who didn't phase their things wouldn't be able to cope with life. Those who wrote chapter by chapter on their books passed. 

Being a human being involves a life as a whole. We want to preserve that as it has been. For this purpose we have preserved something of it. Again and again we have completed our circles.